
Rules of the Road

What You Need to Know Before Using AMGeO

To support accessible, reproducible and transparent data science practices, the AMGeO software package is made available under the open-source license agreement described below. AMGeO strives to follow the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data principles to help foster a sustainable and thriving geospace data science community ecosystem. All AMGeO users should follow the terms of the rules-of-the-road specified below.

License Agreement

The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate, for the University of Colorado Boulder, is making available the AMGeO software package at no charge for non-commercial research use under the terms and conditions detailed in the license agreement. In any publication of the results of research performed using the Licensed Software or any Derivative Work, provide attribution to the AMGeO Collaboration (Lead Authors of the Licensed Software) and a reference to the appropriate digital object identifier for the version of the AMGeO software used. For AMGeO v1.0.0, please reference the AMGeO technical report

Third-Party Data Policy

As described in the privacy and data policy document, the AMGeO web application services do not store or redistribute data provided by third-party data services, including SuperDARN, AMPERE, SuperMAG, or any other third-party data services that may be utilized or accessed by the AMGeO software. The use of the AMGeO software with SuperMAG magnetometer data requires you to use an individual SuperMAG account to access the SuperMAG data service. Likewise, the use of the AMGeO software with AMPERE’s Iridium magnetometer data requires you to use an individual AMPERE account to access the AMPERE website. It is your responsibility to follow the terms and conditions and the acknowledgement and citation requirements of SuperMAG, AMPERE, and SuperDARN.

How to Cite and Acknowledge

If you plan on using AMGeO analysis results in the publication, the Acknowledgements section of the publication should include: “The assimilative mapping analysis is produced with the use of the AMGeO open source software (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3564915) available upon registration at The authors acknowledge the use of data obtained from [SuperDARN (, SuperMAG (, and AMPERE (] for the period of [ ]”.

In the case of SuperDARN data usage, include the following: “SuperDARN is a collection of radars funded by national scientific funding agencies of Australia, Canada, China, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom and the United States of America.”

In the case of AMPERE data usage, include the following: “The authors acknowledge the AMPERE team and the AMPERE Science Center for providing the Iridium-derived data products.”

In the case of SuperMAG data usage, include the following: “SuperMAG is made possible by the generous contribution of data by numerous collaborators, including INTERMAGNET, Alan Thomson; CARISMA, PI Ian Mann; CANMOS, Geomagnetism Unit of the Geological Survey of Canada; The S-RAMP Database, PI K. Yumoto and Dr. K. Shiokawa; The SPIDR database; AARI, PI Oleg Troshichev; The MACCS program, PI M. Engebretson; GIMA; MEASURE, UCLA IGPP and Florida Institute of Technology; SAMBA, PI Eftyhia Zesta; 210 Chain, PI K. Yumoto; SAMNET, PI Farideh Honary; IMAGE, PI Liisa Juusola; Finnish Meteorological Institute, PI Liisa Juusola; Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, PI Tero Raita; UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø Geophysical Observatory, PI Magnar G. Johnsen; GFZ German Research Centre For Geosciences, PI Jürgen Matzka; Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, PI Anne Neska and Jan Reda; Polar Geophysical Institute, PI Alexander Yahnin and Yarolav Sakharov; Geological Survey of Sweden, PI Gerhard Schwarz; Swedish Institute of Space Physics, PI Masatoshi Yamauchi; AUTUMN, PI Martin Connors; DTU Space, Thom Edwards and PI Anna Willer; South Pole and McMurdo Magnetometer, PI's Louis J. Lanzarotti and Alan T. Weatherwax; ICESTAR; RAPIDMAG; British Artarctic Survey; McMac, PI Dr. Peter Chi; BGS, PI Dr. Susan Macmillan; Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation (IZMIRAN); MFGI, PI B. Heilig; Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, PI Anne Neska and Jan Reda; University of L’Aquila, PI M. Vellante; BCMT, V. Lesur and A. Chambodut; Data obtained in cooperation with Geoscience Australia, PI Andrew Lewis; AALPIP, co-PIs Bob Clauer and Michael Hartinger; MagStar, PI Jennifer Gannon; SuperMAG, PI Jesper W. Gjerloev; Data obtained in cooperation with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, PI Richard Marshall. SuperMAG data are processed as described in Gjerloev, J. W. (2012), The SuperMAG data processing technique, J. Geophys. Res., 117, A09213, doi:10.1029/2012JA017683.”